Friday, December 10, 2010

When I'm bored.........

Drinkin wine inside my closet!

Came home this evening and thought I had tons of stuff to do. Changed my mind and figured my TO DO list didn't warrant immediate attention. So I played around on the net and came up on this dope I-tunes radio station that plays 90's r&b and hip hop its called Origin Radio Old School. They played Keith Murray, Total, and a whole bunch of artists that I used to listen to in high school. So while I'm jammin out to the station I painted my nails what I thought was gonna be neon pink and green, but ended up looking like yellow and orange, or candy corn as you can see in the pic above. After the paint dried I had a glass of Pomegranate wine and then started to play in my closet. Tried on my hot pink sandals with black tights and I loved the look! So yeah, I'll be rocking this look when it warms up outside! I'm all about mixing clothes and shoes from different seasons. And yes I WOULD wear white after Labor Day!
A knit dress would compliment this look

Misook ruffle trim tie sweater

After playing in my clothes I started to play in my makeup. I tried on my very first red lipstick. Now I usually don't wear lipstick but its something about red lipstick that looks classically beautiful. I was surprised to like it on myself. Having full lips is not always an advantage when it comes to shades of lip wear. My very good friend recommended using a lip liner that's a couple shades darker then the red and it really made a difference. Maybe I'll wear it on NYE but in the meantime I gots to get RET TA GO out!
Playin in makeup trying on red lipstick

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