Saturday, December 4, 2010

First Post and First Snow

Zabby Duck Boots at Target
SOOOOO I woke up this morning from a wine induced coma to a snow storm! Why Gawd, why! URRRGGGGHHH Tried to find a pair of winter boots yesterday with the duck design on the bottom. No luck. So while I'm staring out the window looking at the snow fall I'm thinking about how to use my UNUSED ticket from Delta Airlines. Let me just say I will NEVER buy another ticket from them. ALL of their flights leaving Chicago have a connection. WHAT THE BLOOD CLOT!!! Chicago is not Cincinnati this is the 2nd largest city in the US and Delta offers no nonstop flights. C-O-N-spiracy!!! So I wanna use my ticket to go to FL and board one of those big cruise ships. Preferably Royal Caribbean cause Carnival was a lil bootleg(experience from my last cruise with them) and I AINT got time for no SPAMCATION. So I checked out a few last minute cruise deals and found one that goes to Key West and Cozumel. $239 per person based on double occupancy. That's a steal but who in the hell is gonna go with me. Its the holiday season and all though most of my friends don't have children things have been rough for everyone including me but I can spare a lil change if its a vacation away from this snow. Forget taking the opposite sex. Them ni@@as be trippin. But it made me think how much I need a RIDE or DIE travel buddy. Not that I haven't enjoyed my trips with my friends but everyone has obligations. I guess I need someone like ME lol. Well in the meantime I'll just figure out how I'm gonna shovel my car outta the snow without appropriate boots. SIGH

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